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Welcome To Stima Investment Cooperative Society Ltd

"It is far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than buy a fair company at a wonderful price," Warren Buffet (A world renowned investor in an address to shareholders in an AGM in 1989). Stima Investment Cooperative Society Ltd is giving you a chance to become a shareholder and reap amazing benefits. The company which was previously a reserve of employees from the energy sectors i.e, Kenya Power, KenGen, GDC, ERC, REA, KETRACO opened its doors to the public since early 2014 and we have registered quite a number. This is especially good news for the Kenyans in the Diaspora to invest back home under secure yet highly rewarding platform given the credibility that Stima Investment has in the Cooperative circles. (see recognition below)

Our Vison  
Innovative in wealth creation

Our Mission
To invest in members' fund in the most viable and secure ventures through prudent management of resources securing maximum returns, growth and sustainability.

Our Core Values
Innovation, Caring, Teamwork, Integrity, and Professionalism.

The company was established in the year 2005 with a specific mandate of mobilizing funds and assist members to increase their wealth. The specific mandate was given due to the challenges experienced by members in investing in real estate and related fields.

Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development 2015 rankings for Cooperatives:

  • Best Housing and Investment Projects- 1st Position
  • Highest Return on Investment- 1st Position
  • Highest Savings Housing & Investment Cooperative- 1st Position.

To become a member; You need to:

  • Register with Kshs. 5000-payable once (membership to cooperative Society is lifetime)
  • Buy a minimum of 300 hundred shares @ 200 per share (totaling upto Kshs.
  •  60,000). This can be paid for in a period not exceeding 24 months.

Benefits of Membership:

  • High Interest Dividend rate of up to 20%
  • Low prices of properties with 20% discount over non members
  • Opportunity to earn extra amounts through commissions for selling our products
  • Capital gains through share growth
  • Value proposition e.g. Serviced plots genuine Title deeds, roads, other social amenities etc
  • Ranked among the best managed investment products for members in line with vision 2030
  • Stable governance though member representation.

For more information please contact at:
Stima Investment Co operative Society Ltd
P.O BOX 37895 00100, Nairobi
Office Mobile Nos: +(254) 709 495 000 / +(254) 713 905 195  /  +(254) 731 298 917,


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